Monday, August 1, 2011

An Ocean Sized Love, Adoption Auction.

I would like to thank each and every person and company that has contributed time, items, gift certificates, kind words and prayers. We are truly blessed by each and every one of you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

People have graciously and wonderfully given to help us and I am so grateful for each and every person that has been a part. Would you also be a part of our adoption? Could you help us to spread the word? If you would spare a status update with the auction information I would be so thankful!

So here's how this works:

1. Shop the AWESOME items that are for sale during the auction
{Now through September 1st at midnight}

Find the items you would like to bid on and place your bid in the 
comments section*
{include your bid, name, and e-mail address}

***To leave a comment, click on "__ Comments."
Type your comment, select your profile (if you don't have a google account, select anonymous).
Click "Post Comment" (you may have to do this twice).

3. If you win, I will send you an E-mail requesting payment for the item and/or information about your requests (if the item is custom-made). Upon receiving payment via check or paypal, the item will be shipped to you!

4. Additional instructions are provided for the Gift Certificate Giveaway.

That's it...super easy! And,
every last penny that you spend will go directly into our adoption fund.

So, without further ado...the auction items! (Click on each item for it's bid page.)
Happy shopping!

{If you have any questions or technical difficulty please e-mail me at}

------------>Gift Certificate Giveaway<-----------


Children's Items:

Hairbows and Accessories:
"O" Monogrammed Pony-O
"T" Monogrammed Pony-O
Fabric Covered Pony-O

Fabric Covered Pony-O

"M" Monogrammed Pony-O

"E" Monogrammed Pony-O

"O" Monogrammed Pony-O

"K" Monogrammed Pony-O

"L" Monogrammed Pony-O

"E" Monogrammed Pony-O

"O" Monogrammed Pony-O

"S" Monogrammed Pony-O

"O" Monogrammed Pony-O

"M" Monogrammed Pony-O

Champagne Flower and Feathers Headband {by Eden's Garden}

Pink Chrysanthemum Hair Flower {by Eden's Garden}

Purple Hair Flower with Ribbon Accents {by Eden's Garden}

Red Carnation with Feathers and Toile Hair Flower {by Eden's Garden}

Red Fabric Flower with Toile Accents {by Eden's Garden}
Chartreuse Green Hair Flower with White Feather and Sparkle Center {by Eden's Garden}

Red Double Flower Hair Clip with Sparkle Center {by Eden's Garden}

Pretty Petals Red Hair Flower {by Eden's Garden}

Hair Care:
Organic Hair Care Products for Ethnic Hair {by Darcy's Botanicals}


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